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poor man‘s moody blues
穷人的忧郁蓝调  detail>>
moody blues
忧郁心情  detail>>
the moody blues
忧郁布鲁斯 忧郁蓝调合唱团  detail>>
a poor man
一个倒霉蛋  detail>>
poor man
可怜的人  detail>>
rich man, poor man
风流财主  detail>>
a man who is poor
而应选含有  detail>>
a poor man living in a garret
住在阁楼的穷人  detail>>
m a poor man and you
我觉得我是个卑微的人而你却高高在上  detail>>
poor-man anchor
尾管式气锚  detail>>
poor-man’s treacle
大蒜  detail>>
the poor man makes a pile
穷人发横财  detail>>
 n.  穆迪〔姓氏〕。  adj.  (moodier;-iest) 动不动发脾气的,易怒的;喜怒无常的;郁郁不乐的,不高兴的。...  detail>>
布鲁斯,蓝调 布鲁斯音乐 烦闷,忧郁 反转现象 蓝灰蝶 抑郁 幽幽蓝调 忧郁布鲁斯歌曲(蓝调音乐) 怨曲  detail>>
the blues
穿着蓝色衣服 沮丧 蓝调  detail>>
to be in the blues
闷闷不乐  detail>>
expecting to see some poor man outside
以为会看到外面是个可怜人  detail>>
blues blues
布鲁斯音乐  detail>>